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Police chief among 7 dead in attacks

Police chief among 7 dead in attacks

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24 May 2012 - 14:14
Police chief among 7 dead in attacks
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24 May 2012 - 14:14

TIRINKOT (PAN): A police commander was among seven people killed in a string of violent incidents in Uruzgan, Paktika and Zabul provinces, local officials on Thursday.

In central Uruzgan, the police commander died when his car struck a roadside bomb in Kashi area on late on Wednesday, Wali Dad, the Charchina district police chief, told Pajhwok Afghan News.

At least three Taliban Wali Jan, were killed during a joint operation by foreign soldiers and Afghan Quick Reaction Force in Chilangar area of the same district.

In Dehraud district of the province, the Taliban killed a tribal elder in Mazar area, said Aminullah Khaliqi, the district chief. Taliban spokesman Qari Yousuf Ahmadi claimed responsibility for killing the tribal elder for supporting the government.

However the militant spokesman rejected the death of their commander in during Charchina district clash.

In another operation, 203rd Thunder Military Corps commander Nasar Zwak said a militant was wounded and three others were arrested in the Omna district of southeastern Paktika province.

The insurgents were detained after a clash with security forces who seized a machine gun, two Kalashnikovs, five hand grenades, a walkie-talkie and a motorcycle, he said.

In southern Zabul province, two civilians were killed in a clash between insurgents and security forces in Nawrak district, said police chief Brig. Gen. Fazal Ahmad Sherzad.

But the Taliban spokesman said the fighters had killed guards working for a private security company in the Nawark clash.


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