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Ghazni women rally against violence

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19 Jan 2013 - 18:24
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19 Jan 2013 - 18:24

GHAZN I CITY (PAN on Saturday staged a protest in southern Ghazni province against growing violence against them and the authorities’ failure to nab the perpetrators.

The protestors marched from the provincial council office to the governor’s office and the police headquarters in Ghazni City, the provincial capital.

Chanting “we want justice and prosecute perpetrators of violence against women,” the protestors asked the authorities to punish rapists and kidnappers.

“Women are tortured and sexually abused on a daily basis, but security and women affair’s department officials remain silent on their plight,” one of the demonstrators, Marzia, told Pajhwok Afghan News.

She said they had waited for 30 minutes in front of the women affair’s department, but the director refused to come out of her office. She claimed 13 women had been murdered since March 21, but police were yet to arrest the killers.

A woman, named Madina, was kidnapped by her husband with the help of seven gunmen in Khwaja Omari district 15 day ago. So far, her whereabouts remain unknown.

Another participant of the demonstration, Shazia, said: “We want nothing but our rights. Madina should be traced within 24 hours.”

Provincial council member Hamida Gulistani, who also joined the rally, demanded that violators of women’s rights be punished publicly to deter others from committing such crimes.

Meanwhile, deputy police chief, Mohammad Hussain, said four people had been arrested in connection with the abduction of Madina. Cases against them have been referred to judicial organs.



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