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ISAF ministers to be briefed on Afghanistan

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18 Feb 2013 - 15:25
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18 Feb 2013 - 15:25

KABUL, an alliance official said on Monday.

At the two-day meeting, scheduled for Feb. 21-22, the ministers would receive briefings on transition, redeployment, sustaining the Afghan National Security Forces and plans for the new NATO mission after 2014. 

Dominic Medley, spokesman for the NATO civilian representative, told reporters in Kabul the transition process was on course, with Afghan forces assuming the lead for security in areas where 87 percent of the population lived.

Minister of Defence Gen. Bismillah Mohammadi would update the ISAF ministers on the situation in Afghanistan, according to Medley, who said it was important to hear from the secretary general that NATO remained committed to the mission.

In response to a query, he said ISAF officials were working with the government in Kabul to determine what equipment the Afghan forces needed and what tools would come after 2014, particularly in the context of the new training, advising and assistance mission.

He added: “And we know that many countries have already announced what they, for example, will give to Afghanistan or indeed what they may well leave behind from current equipment which is already in the country…”




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