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Swedish troops end mission in Jawzjan

SHIBERGHAN (PAN): Swedish forces on Sunday wrapped up their mission in northern Jawzjan province and left behind equipment worth $30 million to their Afghan counterparts, officials said.

All 200 Swedish soldiers and officers moved to Mazar-i-Sharif, the capital of northern Balkh province, from their base in Jangal Bagh area near Shiberghan after a ceremony.

The Swedish troops in Jawzjan had been in good coordination with Afghan security personnel since 2001, governor Mohammad Alam Saee told the ceremony. He said the responsibility of Afghan forces had increased with the pullout.

Speaking on the occasion, Swedish Provincial Reconstruction‘s development and mitigate financial woes of its people.

Constructed over 15 acres of land, the military base handed over to Afghan forces has many facilities and equipment like barracks, large tents, special rooms, office rooms and others.

ANA’s 3rd battalion commander in Shiberghan, Lt. Col. Gulbahar, said Swedish troops left behind equipment worth $30 million.

He said ANA troops had the ability to conduct operations independently and had been able to stem insurgency in areas under their control.




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