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Support to Ahmadzai swells in Khost

Support to Ahmadzai swells in Khost

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27 Feb 2014 - 16:18
Support to Ahmadzai swells in Khost
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27 Feb 2014 - 16:18

KHOST CITY (Pajhwok): Thousands of people, mostly youth, held a gathering in southeastern Khost province, vowing support to front-line presidential candidate Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai.

Arranged by a youth organization in direct cooperation with lawmakers from the province, the gathering was attended by around 2,500 people in Khost City, the provincial capital.

One of the organizers, Ilyas Wihdat, said the youth were a section of the society more enthusiastic to take part in the April elections than others.

He called on the participants to encourage others to actively participate in the elections and cast their votes in favour of Ahmadzai, a former finance minister.

Wihdat believed Ahmadzai had the ability to steer the country out of crises and put the nation on the path to a bright future.

Humayun Humayun, a member of the Wolesi Jirga’s defence commission, who campaigns for Ahmadzai in Khost, said the upcoming elections were crucial to shaping the country’s density.

“Ashraf Ghani has not been involved in corruption, has no blood on hands of innocent people. He is more learned and intelligent among the list of 11 candidates.”

Civil society activist Zahid Shah Angar told the gathering that the society supported Ahmadzai.

Journalist and writer Najibullah Alokhel in his address to the gathering said Afghanistan needed a person who could pull it out of troubles, develop it and assist its orphaned children.

He said Afghanistan was in the most critical phase of its history and if the Afghans were able to do away with corruption and choose right leadership, they could salvage the country, otherwise they should be ready for further misfortunes.


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