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Afghans attending training course in India

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17 Oct 2014 - 15:41
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17 Oct 2014 - 15:41

KABUL (Pajhwok): Under the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) programme, Afghan professionals are being trained New Delhi on how to develop entrepreneurial and management skills.  

At least five Afghans are currently under training at the National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBUD), sponsored by the Ministry of External Affairs.

Project and gender development and planning are salient features improve their economic, social and physiological status.

According to the New Delhi-based Asian News International (ANI), the ITEC fellowship programme has been a pathfinder for many Afghan students, who had acquired valuable knowledge in the course module.

The participants, government employees, are given international airfare, boarding, lodging, tuition fees, etc, to boost their qualification and skills.

One trainee, Mohammed Fahim who works at the Ministry of Finance in Kabul, told ANI the training would help them in rebuilding their country. “The country is devastated in the last three decades and for the reconstruction of the country we need project management skills.”

A Ministry of Education. “We learn so many techniques especially in conducting training in succession planning and how to build the capacities of the employees and how to use human resource effectively in daily business season.

“In my country more focus in the human resources is in the institutional areas and people are not considering a lot in the businesses in entrepreneurships”, said Toofan.

PAN Monitor/mud

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