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Berlin in push for resumption of Taliban-Kabul talks

KABUL to the negotiating table.

Germany’s special representative for Afghanistan recently met government officials in Kabul and Taliban leaders in Doha.

Reuters quoted Markus Potzel as saying: “The chance for a process towards a more peaceful Afghanistan should not be missed. If the friends of Afghanistan and Germany can help in this effort, then we should do it.”

Germany is the second-largest donor and important member of the NATO-led Reso;ute Support mission in Afghanistan.

In a bid to restart negotiations on ending the  18 years of conflict in the country, Berlin jas been in contact with the Taliban and the Afghan government.

“In the end, only the Afghans themselves, including the Taliban, can decide upon the future of their country,” the diplomat added.

An unnamed German official told the news agency they believed US-Taliban parleys would gain momentum if the rebel group began meetings with the Afghan representatives.

Meanwhile, Taliban’s political office spokesman Sohail Shaheen confirmed the German offer to help achieve a peaceful resolution.

Shaheen verified talks had taken place with Germany on an Afghan-Taliban meeting in Germany. Howeverm he explained, no decision had been made yet.

PAN Monitor/mud

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