Pajhwok Afghan News

Covid-19 update: 591 positive cases registered in past 24 hrs


KABUL (MoPH) on Monday.

In a statement the MoPH said that total 1,090 suspected cases had been registered out of which 591 were positive.

Among fresh positive cases of coronavirus, 390 were registered in Kabul, 62 in Herat, 36 in Balkh, 21 in Badghis, 18 in Nangarhar, 14 each in Kunar and Takhar, 11 in Jawzjan, seven in Maidan Wardak, five each in Paktia and Baghlan, three in Khost, two each in Panjshir and Ghor and one in Bamyan provinces.

Over 1,000 people had recovered while 219 others died from the respiratory disease, the MoPH said.

Thirty-six died in Herat, 30 in Balkh, 29 in Kabul, 21 in Nangarhar, 16 in Kandahar, 14 in Ghazni and eight people in Takhar province from coronavirus.



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