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Rahila Dostum sworn in as Meshrano Jirga member

Rahila Dostum sworn in as Meshrano Jirga member

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17 Jan 2021 - 17:39
Rahila Dostum sworn in as Meshrano Jirga member
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17 Jan 2021 - 17:39

KABUL (Pajhwok): Rahila Dostum, the daughter of Abdul Rashid Dostum, on Sunday took oath of a selected member of the Meshrano Jirga or upper house of the parliament.

Faisal Samay, secretary of Meshrano Jirga, introduced Rahila Dostum to other senators in today’s session of the house and read a president’s decree selecting her as the house member. He said Dosum was a replacement to Sara Surkhabi, a former selected senator.

Rahila Dostum thanked the government’s leadership for choosing her as a senator and said she would commit herself to rules and would work for resolving people’s problems.

Fazal Hadi Muslimyar, Meshrano Jirga chairman, directed the senate secretariat to provide required facilities and privileges to Dostum.

He said there were members of different political parties in the upper house, but all worked for the interests of Afghanistan.

The Meshrano Jirga has 68 members with 34 of them coming from provincial councils. The president selects another 34 members. But a third part of the house members are yet to be introduced as district elections have long been not conducted.




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