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Covid-19: Demand for coffin, burial equipment increases

Covid-19: Demand for coffin, burial equipment increases

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15 Jun 2021 - 17:32
Covid-19: Demand for coffin, burial equipment increases
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15 Jun 2021 - 17:32

KABUL (Pajhwok): The number of deaths caused by Covid-19 has been on the rise in Afghanistan over the past three weeks and thus demand for grave digging, coffins and other equipment for burial has also increased.

According to the Ministry of Public Health, 50 to 80 people are dying daily due to coronavirus as the country is passing through the 3rd wave of the pandemic.

Mohammad Ibrahim, in-charge of cemetery in Haji Nani Township, said from the past few days more bodies were brought to the cemetery.

He said due to growing spread of coronavirus and fatalities caused by the pandemic up to 17 bodies were brought to the cemetery for burial on a daily basis while earlier up to five bodies would be brought to the cemetery.

Ibrahim said eight people worked with him against 350 afs each in digging graves, adding that despite surge in deaths they did not increase their wages.

Hassan, a labour digging graves, said ten people dug graves in the cemetery and every labour was offered 350 afs.

He said from the past three weeks, more people were dying due to coronavirus and up to 20 graves were being dug daily.

In Haji Nabi Township cemetery, graves are dug in advance an when a body is brought to the cemetery they buy the grave.

Khudidad, a resident of Kabul City, who arrived in the cemetery to dig a grave, said from the past 15 days he buried five people.

“One of my relatives died and we came to the cemetery to dig a grave when I received a call and was informed that another relative of mine has died in the hospital.” He asked people to consider coronavirus serious and implement health measures.

Coffin sellers in Kabul say more coffin and burial materials are sold due to increase in deaths from coronavirus.

Rohin, a coffin seller, said they sold two or three coffins in the past but the number had jumped to 12 these days.

He said due to coronavirus the rate of wood had increased and that subsequently affected the prices of coffin as well.

Rohin said considering the wood quality of a coffin, one coffin was sold from 1,600 afs to 2,500 afs.

GhulamShaki, another coffin seller in Kabul, said with surge in coronavirus fatalities demand for coffins had increased. He added recently people bought coffins during the night.

“There are different types of coffins with different prices starting from 1,400 afs to 2,000 afs.”

GhulamFarooq, Kabul Municipality Media Coordination in-charge, said a special area in the south of Kabul had been allocated for the burial of Covid-19 patients. He did not specify the exact location of the cemetery.

He said municipality personnel have been tasked to bury the bodies who die in hospitals.




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