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‘People, politicians need a single line against rebels’

‘People, politicians need a single line against rebels’

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1 Jul 2021 - 19:20
‘People, politicians need a single line against rebels’
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1 Jul 2021 - 19:20

KABUL (Pajhwok): Afghanistan National Association, a political group, on Thursday stressed on resumption of peace talks, saying the Afghanistan crisis has no military solution and people have no other choice but to stand against Taliban to protect past gains.

After the fall of dozens of districts to the Taliban’s control in different parts of the country, some people in a number of provinces including Laghman, Jawzjan, Nangarhar, Kapisa, Parwan, Balkh, Faryab and others took arms to support Afghan forces against the Taliban.

This comes as security officials say that the government is ready to provide all needed resources to people against militants.

Sayed Abdullah Hashemi, head of Afghanistan National Association, told a conference that the Taliban would not achieve their goals and the Afghan public would support Afghan forces against the insurgent group to protect past gains.

Taliban’s activities over the last three weeks showed they were up to destruction and collapse of the government, he said.

Addressing politicians, he said, “Put aside your differences, create a single line against the Taliban.”

Hashemi stressed on resumption of peace talks and said, “The conflict of Afghanistan has no military solution, the only way is negotiations and understating, the Taliban should know that they cannot govern with force; because people would stand against them and they would have no any place among the society.”

He asked people and members of the association to stand against ‘darkness and conspiracies’ to change the situation so the Taliban would be unable to achieve their goals.

AtifaMohammadi, a leadership member of the association, supported public uprising against the Taliban and asked the government to organize the public uprisings and provide them resources.

She also stressed on the resumption of peace talks and said, “Taliban saw that people do not want them, so the Taliban should seek another proper way which is negotiations…”

HalimdadHalim, another member of the association, said, “Afghans are tired of war and they do not want to continue the conflict, but defense is their legitimate right.”

He said that some countries used the Taliban for their own interests and people should be aware about the situation.

People’s indifference about the crimes of Taliban is another type of treason, so people should stand with Afghan forces in all corners of the country, he added.

A number of other participants of the conference also supported public uprising against the Taliban and sought prompt resumption of negotiations.


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