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Taliban interfering in our work: AIHRC

KABUL (Pajhwok): The Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) says the Taliban have seized its offices and are interfering with its work.

The watchdog said in a statement: “Since August 15, AIHRC continues in office but has been unable to discharge its duties to the Afghan people.”

It claimed all AIHRC buildings had been occupied by the Taliban, who had also made appointments and used the commission’s assets like vehicles and computers.

The panel blamed the Taliban for consistently shown disregard for human rights, including attacks on rights defenders and flagrant violations of international human rights standards.

The commission also expressed doubts about the group’s willingness to respect the organisation’s mandate and independence.

The watchdog urged the group to respect the independence of AIRHC and its staff and all Afghan human rights defenders.

On the other hand, Ahmadullah Wasiq, a member of the Taliban’s Cultural Commission, told Pajhwok Afghan News: “The security forces did not seize the AIHRC buildings, they are there for the protection of the commission.”

He added whenever they wanted, the commission staff could return to work and get back AIHRC assets and facilities.


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