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Sayyaf’s prayers on Facebook and people’s comments

Sayyaf’s prayers on Facebook and people’s comments

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4 Nov 2021 - 14:53
Sayyaf’s prayers on Facebook and people’s comments
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4 Nov 2021 - 14:53

KABUL (Pajhwok): Renowned jihadi leader Abdul Rab Rasoul Sayyaf has stepped up posting prayers on his Facebook page since the fall of Kabul to the Taliban. Almost all his previous prayers were entirely political in nature. As for the recent prayers, half of them pertain to politics.

People have come up with various comments on the Islamic Dawah leader’s prayers. Many of these comments have negative aspects. Opposed to the incumbent government, Sayyaf is currently living abroad.

On August 15, the Taliban took over Kabul and announced a caretaker cabinet afterwards.

Prayer on eve of Kabul’s fall

“O, Allah! please save this Muslim country and this Muslim nation from destruction. Bless them with peace, stability and prosperity.”

Prayer on the day Kabul fell

“O, our Lord! Make a just decision between us and our nation and indeed You are the best of decision-makers.”

A day after the collapse of Kabul

“Our honour, freedom and security have been destroyed due to the ignorance, treachery by rulers, corruption, betrayal by some politicians, attacks and enemy conspiracies.”

Pajhwok Afghan News reviewed and evaluated the prayers of Sayyaf 78 days before and 78 days after August 15. He has posted on his Facebook page a total of 73 prayers since August 15. Of them, 35 are on political issues and the rest do not pertain to politics.

Prayers before Aug 15

Sayyaf posted 16 prayers on his Facebook page before August 15, all of them revolving around political matters.”

Facebook users also commented, mostly negatively, on his prayers.


“O, Allah! Grant success and show special kindness to those who are defending themselves, their properties, homeland, honour and national interests in trenches.”


Mujeeb Rahman Noyan, a Facebook user, reacts: “You issued a fatwa on killing soldiers. Now that you have reached a safe place, you don’t want to fight and rely on prayers.”

Malalai Momand writes: “Now that you are praying, there are two reasons. One, you understood that the country is like a mother. Two, you can’t sleep because your wealth is gone.”

But Farooq Safi responds: “Ameen: Thank you for your suitable position, dear ustad, May Allah protect you.”

Prayer: “The situation of the nation and the country is very heartbreaking. O, Allah! Humiliate the group that does not accept peace and wants this painful situation to continue.”

Commenting on this prayer, Iqbal Massoud regrets: “Peace was our hope and aspiration when you destroyed each part of Kabul in lust for power and forced us to join you.

“Despite your vast knowledge, you pitted is against one another. This nation will not forgive you. I wish you had valued the blood of martyrs and for the sake of peace…”

Sher Ali Khan Shahibzada proposes: “Continue your efforts to put the country, currently in a bad situation, on the right track. Keep your struggle alive with your intellectual prowess.”


O, Allah! break the backs of the oppressors, dry the blood in their veins and reassure the hearts of the oppressed people.”


Mohammad Akbar Niazi writes: “If Allah accepts this prayer, it will be a great loss for you (Sayyaf).”

Khalid Naseri retorts: “All tyrants and oppressors, including you, are bloodthirsty. The so-called jihadi leaders are a sold commodity.”

Mohammad Haroon writes: “Ameen, whoever has betrayed one percent in this country, may Allah destroy him.”

Examples of prayers after Aug 15:

Sayyaf has posted a total of 73 prayers since the fall of Kabul, 35 of which are related to political situation and the rest are not related to politics. These prayers are as follow.


“O, Lord! Please bring a quick and positive change to the sad and heartbreaking situation we, our country and nation are in. Bless us with well-being.”


Gulbahar Zazai writes: “Change has come about. War, theft, moral and administrative corruption have been banished. What kind of change do you want? It’s time for introspection.”

Noor Rahman Rahmani says: “Sheikh Sahib, may Allah also change our hearts, and instead of love for infidels, Allah bring love for Muslims to our hearts.”

But Abdul Malik Durani writes: “Ameen, your words will enlighten many people in a few months.”


“Dua is our greatest weapon and Insha Allah (God willing) we will defeat our opponents with prayers. May Allah bless us with His unseen help.”


Mohammad Musa Isazada says: “Allah looks at our deeds and then answers our prayers.”

Mahmood Amiri: “Your prayers will be accepted or people’s comment against you.”


“Emphasise on prayers, this is the way to success. O, Allah! Please bring a quick and positive change in the dire situation our country is in.”


Noorul Huda Omar comments: “You have become a shrine keeper. You have been praying day and night. Previously, you talked about force and power.”

Maiwand suggests: “Ustad! Pray for Afghan cricketers. Your resistance will yield no result.”

But Mohammad Hanif writes: “Ameen O, Lord of worlds, may Allah Almighty protect you, honorable leader!.”

In the last two and half months, Sayyaf has also posted prayers that have nothing to do with political issues.


“Allah says He is with those who are pious and honest), Oh, Allah! Please count us among pious.”


Anwar Siddiqui opines: “These days, you are just proffering advice. You don’t say anything about mullahs.”

Abdullah Manan Sarwari comments: “He (Sayyaf) is neither pious nor benefactor. Our people have witnessed this day because of you.”

But Saleem Seerat writes: “Ameen, may Allah make us and all your scholars, including you, the means of preaching, publishing and propagating the religion, because the whole Ummah needs religion in the first place and the basic purpose of life is compliance with Allah’s orders and following the blessed ways of the Prophet (PBUH).


“All of you say ameen; O, Lord! please accept supplications of weary hearts.”


Aman Amiri writes: “Saying ameen to the NATO mufti’s prayers is a mortal sin.”

Sayed Hasibullah Sadat: “May Allah rid us of you, Ameen.”

But Hekmat Khan says: “Dear Ustad, if you were in the country in this sensitive situation, you would have solved these problems through negotiations.”


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