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Fraud alleged in distribution of aid to poor families

Fraud alleged in distribution of aid to poor families

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27 Dec 2021 - 19:50
Fraud alleged in distribution of aid to poor families
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27 Dec 2021 - 19:50

KABUL (Pajhwok): Some people in seven provinces of the country complain of fraud in distribution of aid to poor families and ask the government to strengthen monitoring in this regard so that the aid reaches the needy.

The government does not confirm fraud in distribution of aid, but adds if there is a lack of transparency, people should approach legal sources and claim their rights.

The United States has frozen nearly $10 billion in Afghan capital and imposed other sanctions since the previous Afghan government was overthrown in mid-August and replaced by a new caretaker government.

With this, Afghans faced an economic crisis, but various countries and international organizations dispatched aid to Afghanistan and the distribution of this aid is underway in the capital and provinces of the country.

Some residents of Kabul, Panjshir, Badghis, Parwan, Paktika, Khost and Paktia provinces have sent messages to Pajhwok in this regard and a Pajhwok reporter in Maidan Wardak province has spoken to some people.

Matiullah, a former secretary of the Kashmiri Qala Development Council in Maidan Wardak, told Pajhwok Afghan News that some people had been helped four times in the past four months.

“But we have not received any help so far,” he lamented.

A resident of Chak district in Wardak province, who did not want to be named, said aid comes to their district but it is being distributed among people who had connections. “Hopefully our voice will reach the authorities.”

He added in his message: “Two days ago, two hundred dollars of aid per house was distributed among undeserving people instead of disabled and orphans”.

A spokesman for the Maidan Wardak governor, Hassan, told Pajhwok Afghan News: “The aid is being distributed by organizations who conduct surveys in this regard and security forces only provide them security. “

A resident of the Hesa Awal district of Panjshir province, who did not want to be named, claimed in a message to Pajhwok that a few days ago aid was distributed among undeserving and rich people in their village (Bala Peshgho).

He adds: “Such actions are being taken by village elders. They give aid to their relatives. “Unfortunately, there were about ten needy families in our area, but their names were not included in the list for assistance.”

A resident of Badghis province also claims that local officials of aid agencies commit fraud in the distribution of aid to needy people in the province by giving aid items to their relatives.

He, who did not identify himself in the message, said those in need should be identified by the Rural Development Councils.

A resident of Shinwari district of Parwan province also said: “Aid distributed in Shinwari district did not reach the deserving families. There are families who have no one to support them.”

A resident of Paktika’s Yusuf Khel district also complained, saying: “In Yusuf Khel, aid is given to those liked by the distributors, not to the poor.”

A resident of Yaqubi area of ​​Sabari district of Khost province also sent a message to Pajhwok without giving his name, saying that an organization in the district also distributed aid to the people but did not do justice in the distribution.

A resident of Mirwais Maidan (Kota Sangi) area of ​​Kabul claimed in his message that some people take ID cards from people to help the poor and then they get two-thirds of the donated items or money.

“I do not lie, my goal is to prevent corruption and to give justice to those who are entitled to it,” he said.

Atiqullah, a resident of Paktia province, said that there was no justice in the distribution of aid in the province

This is despite the fact that, according to reports, needy people are being identified through surveys by various organizations, but Atiqullah says: “I am amazed at such a survey, what is the benefit of the survey? It’s all a lie. ”

Another person, without identifying himself, claimed in his message that most of the aid was given to people who did not deserve it.

“Our serious expectation from the Islamic Emirate is to establish and manage a transparent mechanism for the distribution of aid, so that the process is closely monitored and the rights are upheld,” he said.

Bilal Karimi, Deputy Spokesman for the Government of Afghanistan, told Pajhwok Afghan News: “From the day the aid arrives, it is distributed to deserving people.”

He added that any assistance provided by the Ministry of Refugees, or the Ministry of Disaster Management or the Red Crescent Society is distributed among needy people identified in surveys and the process is overseen by a designated commission.

“The needy and most deserving people are divided into categories, some are 100 per cent poor, some 80 per cent and 60 per cent poor, but some are less poor,” he said. In any case, the Islamic Emirate gives priority to those who are most in need and most deserving.

He says he does not support the claims that the distribution of aid is not transparent.


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