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Andar elders cut dowry amount, wedding expenses

GHAZNI CITY (Pajhwok): Tribal elders in the Andar district of southern Ghazni province have agreed to reduce dowry amount and other wedding expenses.

They also called forced marriage, under age marriage and marriages for compensating murders or elopement against the teachings of Islam and decided to penalize families who violated elders’ decisions.

Khairullah, a tribal elder in the Andar district, said they reached this decision after it was found that dowry amount was very high and more money was spent on weddings.

He said youth were forced to travel abroad to earn money and bring their marriages to a logical conclusion.

“Economic situation of people is not well, there is unemployment — high dowries and extravagant expenses in such circumstances are unfair. This trend forces the youth to go abroad or start using drugs due to frustration.”

Another tribal elder Haji Anwar said Andar was Ghazni’s largest district in which Marjankhel, Musakhel and Andar tribes were living. These tribes had collectively decided to reduce dowry cost and marriage expenses.

Ghazni religious scholars justified reduction in dowry and wedding expenditures and lent their support to tribal elders in this regard.

MawlaviZahoor Ahmad Asif, a religious scholar, said ulema supported tribal elders’ decisions that were in the interest of people and society.

They urged elders to convene Jirgas for addressing public and societal issues.

Ghazni Information Director MawlaviHabibullahMujahid hailed the decision of Andar district elders and asked the elders of other areas to stand against unfair customs and traditions.


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