NEILI (Pajhwok): Musa, 54, from central Daikundi province, has been consuming drugs for the past 30 years and currently all his family members have distanced themselves from him due to his addictedness.
He faced harsh behavior from other family members at his childhood when he lost his father and thus became a drug addict.
“After the killing of my father, I faced harsh behavior of my brothers, I don’t exactly remember my age when I started using drugs,” he said.
Originally from Timzan village in Pato district, Musa initially started using hashish and then turned to more complicated drugs. He added during his youth he went to Iran and initially started using opium there.
He said 15 years back he returned from Iran but he found no member of his family close to him or inquiring after him.
He said: “Two years back I was taken to hospital by a kind person, but when I returned home I was discouraged by the behavior of my brothers and could not afford their ruthless behavior thus again I started using drugs.”
He said the use of drug is destruction, adding that other youth should learn from his condition.
According to Musa, four drug addicts lost their lives in the past one month in Daikundi. He asked the government to operationalize rehabilitation centres and ensure these facilities functioned.
RahmatullahRahmati, head of the only 20-bed rehabilitation centre in Daikunid, said: “In the past, over 180 drug addicts annually got treatment in this facility but after the takeover of Islamic Emirate the facility has been closed due to the lack of financial resources.”
Deputy Health Director Syed IshaqHussani said exact figures about the number of drug addicts in Daikundi province were not available.