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Opening of girls schools in Afghanistan a priority: EU envoy

Opening of girls schools in Afghanistan a priority: EU envoy

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26 Aug 2022 - 12:58
Opening of girls schools in Afghanistan a priority: EU envoy
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26 Aug 2022 - 12:58

KABUL (Pajhwok): EU special representative for Afghanistan Thomas Nicholson has said the opening of girls’ schools in Afghanistan is a priority and other human rights issues will not be respected until schools are opened.

The caretaker government postponed the opening girls secondary and high schools the day the new academic year started in March, saying it was working on a plan in this regard, but the girls schools above grade six remain closed.

“Sometimes I wonder whether we talk too much about schools for girls as if it were the only human rights concern, and as if Afghans should be satisfied once the Taliban addressed that. But then I realise that until they do, other rights will also not be respected,” Nicholson tweeted.

He said opening girls’ schools in Afghanistan was a priority as until schools remained closed other human rights issues would not be respected.

The caretaker government officials have repeatedly said they are committed to all human rights of people and Islamic rights of women and currently women are working in institutions that need them and some others are paid salaries at home.


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