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Rare ruby from Afghanistan on display in Dubai

KABUL (Pajhwok): An exceptional jewel, hailed as a blessing from heaven for inhabitants of a remote village in Afghanistan, is sparkling in Dubai, a UAE-based newspaper reported on Sunday.

The 5,000-carat ruby, weighing about a kilogram, was unearthed in a small impoverished village called Hyderabad on the Afghanistan-Iran frontier, The National said.

Given its rare size and glitter, the gemstone is characterised as “one of a kind”. It has been found in an area, where there is mining activity, according to the daily.

The ruby owner is optimistic of funds from its display might bring smiles to faces of villagers who are without elemental facilities like schools, hospitals and even electricity.

The uncut jewel, whose market price is estimated at $10 million, is not up for sale. “We hope to display the ruby in museums in the UAE and even in Europe to generate funds for hospitals and schools in the village,” said Esmail Borhanzahi.

“It is very rare, it is one of its kind in its size and colour,” remarked Borhanzahi, whose gemstone placed for a private viewing in Dubai on Thursday evening.

PAN Monitor/mud

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