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37 killed, wounded in Afghanistan last week

37 killed, wounded in Afghanistan last week

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26 Nov 2022 - 20:40
37 killed, wounded in Afghanistan last week
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26 Nov 2022 - 20:40

KABUL (Pajhwok): In addition to the announcement of humanitarian aid to Afghanistan, different sources stressed the need to preserve human rights in the country, with Norway introducing new diplomats to interact with new authorities.

Key events of last week

  • Muttaqi: world will ultimately recognise the Islamic emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) government.
  • Norway to introduce new diplomats, viw long-term ties with Afghanistan
  • Iran: joint committee should be set up to eradicate terrorism
  • International institutions stress protection of human rights in Afghanistan
  • Over $115 million assistance pledged to Afghanistan last week
  • Different institutions announce aid to hundreds of needy Afghans
  • About 37 people suffer casualtities in different incidents


At least 23 people were killed and 14 more wounded in various incidents of violence across the country last week.

The Ministry of Interior says one security officer and nine gunmen were killed, two security personnel and as many gunmen injured during a raid in the Shebar area of Daikundi province.

UNICEF tweeted that four boys aged between 12 munths and 14 yearrs were killed in an attack in the Shebar area of Daikundi.

But MoI said only militants were killed and claims about the killing of boys and children were basless.

Local officials said one security officer was gunned down and another wounded in Faryab province.

According to reports, unidentified gunmen shot dead one person each in Faryab, Farah and Balkh provinces. One peson was killed and six others were wounded during a clash near the Durand Line in the Dand-i-Patan district of southeastern Paktia province.

Five members of a family were gunned down in limits of the 9th police district of Kabul. According to another report, a body was found in Laghman.

These casualty figures are based on reports reaching Pajhwok. Some incidents might have gone unreported or sources could have provided incorrect numbers.

In the previous week, 26 people were killed and nine others injured in various incidents of violence across the country.

Before the regime change last year, hundreds of civilians and people associated with the warring parties would get killed and injured every week.

Inclusive govt, recognition stressed

Acting Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi has said the world will ultimately recognise the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA).

He expressed satisfaction with the security situation in the country and said: “The future of the country is bright; we have a united and independent government after four years. This government defends its people and will stand by them.”

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs quoted Norwegian diplomat Pavel Kaloman Becker as saying his country remained committed to long-term relations with Afghanistan.

The diplomat acknowledged security had been restored by the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and humanitarian assistance was pouring into the country.

Becker said his country continued to interact with IEA and had named new diplomats to work in Afghanistan and play a positive role in maintaining bilateral ties.

For his part, Muttaqi said: “We should try to bring the world and Afghanistan closer to each other. Norway has good experience and can play a vital role in this regard.”

Iran’s special representative for Afghanistan Hassan Kazimi Qomi suggested the formation of a joint committee to curb terrorism and linked peace in the wr-torn to an “inclusive government.”

Former US special envoy Zalmay Khalilzad has warned of a surge in violence in Afghanistan unless an inclusive political setup is agreed among Afghans.

Continuation of aid

Last week, Norway announced assistance of 22 million dollars and Germnay 90 million euros to Afghanistan, while UNICEF promised to support 111,000 families with cash assistance this year in Afghanistan.

UNHCR pledged to provide cash assistance to 400,000 people in the country.

The World Food Program in Afghanistan says it has built 34 mobile food warehouses in order to prepare for possible starvation in the coming winter. It also spoje of preparing 300 health centres.

Last week, two-thirds of households in Afghanistan continued to struggle to meet basic food and non-food needs.

Frozen assets

The board of a Switzerland-based trust fund, which is in charge of disbursing billions of dollars of assets belonging to Afghanistan, met for the first time in Geneva.

The trustees considered various proposals on how to transfer $3.5 billion, which were frozen last year when the Taliban ousted the US-backed government.

The money is part of around $7 billion in foreign currency assets belonging to Afghanistan’s central bank that is held at the US Federal Reserve.

Last week, the Da Afghanistan Bank said Ramez Al-Akbarov, the deputy representative of the UN chief, had promised more cooperation with it in establishing banking facilties in the country.

Respect human rights

Reports showed that UN had asked the acting Afghan government to protect basic women rights in Afghanistan and ensure and environment for women free of violence and threats.

Similarly, European Union Parliament again called on the Afghan acting officials to respect women rights and implement promises made regarding the protection of women rights in Afghanistan.

Islamic Emirate Deputy Spokesperson Bilal Karimi said: “The rights of all Afghans were protected in Islamic system and we can say that before the takeover of Islamic Emirate the rights of our sisters and women were totally violated, their honor, the respect, right to wealth and their family rights were violated.”

According to reports US Special Representative for Afghan Women Rights Rina Amiri reacted to the implementation of Islamic punishment on 14 people and termed it as barbaric and dangerous.

Similarly, UN secretary general, human rights watch dog and some other countries also criticized the move.

But Afghan government rejected the criticism and concerns of foreign governments and UN at the implementation of Islamic punishment and termed it as disrespect to Islam and international law.

Meetings, statements on Afghanistan

Last week, UNAMA’s deputy head Markus Potzel visited Tajikistan and Uzbekistan for strengthening regional cooperation. President Vladimir Putin spoke of the terrorist infiltration threat while addressing a summit of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) in Armenia on Wednesday.

“Last week, a meeting of the Moscow format of consultations was held in Moscow. Russia, China, Pakistan, Iran, India and the five Central Asian countries attended the talks,” he recalled.

At the meeting, the participants pledged to ensure the formation of a truly inclusive government representing all ethnic groups in Afghanistan.

But Bilal Karimi said: “The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan will not allow anyone to pose threat to other nations from Afghanistan soil. There is no evidence that could show that other nations were being threatened from Afghanistan.”


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