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Pave way for reconciliation, partnership, Muzammil urges IEA

Pave way for reconciliation, partnership, Muzammil urges IEA

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12 Feb 2023 - 08:35
Pave way for reconciliation, partnership, Muzammil urges IEA
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12 Feb 2023 - 08:35

KABUL (Pajhwok): Writer and politician Mohammad Zaman Muzammil says governments formed as a result of coup and conquest cannot be natural until they gain legitimacy from the people, therefore, the way should be paved for dialogue, reconciliation and partnership.

Talking at ‘Pajhwok Guest’ program, Muzammil said the government should constitute a council representing different parties and groups in order to solve problems and should start work on reconciliation and drafting constitution.

The former jihadi leader believed excluding the Taliban and the Hezb-i-Islami from the 2001 Bonn conference had a bad effect on the country and as the previous two governments gave tribute to America, the situation in Afghanistan would have been better had the Taliban and Hezb-i-Islami been present in the conference.

“If we consider security as peace, then peace has almost arrived with Taliban and the sporadic incidents that happen are the outcome of the interventions of neighboring countries, something that will continue for another 50 years. Peace is not fully achieved; complete peace can be achieved with reconciliation.”

He added: “Now security has improved, it has two reasons. One is that the government is with mullahs and people respect mullahs weather they behave good or not.”

“The second reason is the Taliban foes seek a chance to think because they don’t want to fight anymore and are thinking of political struggle.”

Muzammil said: “The caretaker government has been successful in constructing some roads and collecting drug addicts, but these measures are not a fundamental solution.”

“Unilaterally occupying the government is not in the content and text of jihad that someone should wage jihad and then take the fate of the country in their hands.”

The politician said the Islamic Emirate had greater responsibility this time and they should exhibit their experience and learn lessons from failed experiences and change the situation positively.

Way be paved for dialogue, understanding and partnership

Muzammil said: “The Islamic Emirate announced general amnesty for political opponents, who should not have left the country, but they left because of trust deficit. Some stayed as the amnesty was almost implemented. Until these political opponents return to the country, the world will not believe that there is security in Afghanistan and it is not possible until these issues are resolved through reconciliation and understanding.”

“After 25 days of its inception, the commission for the return of politicians started fluctuating. Negotiations and invitations came to an end and those returning are only welcomed. “

He urged the caretaker government to empower the commission to negotiate with politicians and pave the way for reconciliation and cooperation.

Muzammil said: “Today Taliban have no opponents who are polytheists, they (opponents) recite kalma and pray and they had fought against the Soviets.”

He said the Taliban feared their opponents for no good reason while their opponents did not want much from them. “it is a matter of cooperation, for which a way should be found, it does not mean giving a chance to the thieves, if the nation brings someone, they can.”

IEA govt should adopt policy of reconciliation

Religious leader and Jihadi personality Ustad Zaman Muzamil has said that political parties in Afghanistan did not produce result and supported temporary ban on political parties in the country till complete stability.

“The Taliban need to interact with influential present or past figures of political parties’ leadership, when there is legitimate senate and parliament then they can discuss matters related to political parties,” he said.

Muzamil said he was unaware of the ‘Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’ (IEA) interaction with the Hizb-e-Islami Afghanistan (HIA) lead by Jihadi Leader Gulbuddin Hekmatyar but added he was delivering his addresses in the Eman Mosque, he criticized and support the Taliban during his remarks but over the past 40 days the situation had changed.

He said: “The Taliban will not allow any political party at this stage, but still they were very patient to Hekmatyar Sahib from the past one year and we urged the Taliban as well not to bother people in the 21st century and find a way out.”

He believed if a temporary parliament or the Mesharano Jirga comprised of decent people from different groups and section of society then peoples problems with the IEA would be resolved.

“Why it is difficult for the Taliban being jealous on 50 year old personalities of political parties, they are jealous to other individuals who did not have bad past in this country and handed government affairs to teenagers. The Taliban were also involved in civil war too,” he questioned.

Ustad Muzamil added: “Had this been Hamid Karzai or Ashraf Ghani’s government I would have organized up to 40 gatherings but I know that this the Taliban regime is a new experience, they need a chance and Hekmatyar should also gave easy time to this new regime.”

“If the formation of political movement outside the country is not influential today it could be influential after one year, nobody should underestimate another Afghan. Underestimating your opponent is a sign immorality on the behalf of a government,” he noted.

Muzamil, who is also a writer, said: “Every morning when I wake up I believe that banning women education would be untrue, propaganda. How it is possible that women education would be banned in a country which is Islamic, adhere to Hijab and separate system of education. I don’t know how to react to his decision.”

He said: “Sometimes I personally think to go and hold a placard with the message that it is not the viewpoint of this nation, this is not the viewpoint of Mullah in Afghanistan and it would be only the Taliban viewpoint.”

He said the IEA would pave the way for women education because there is no other option.

Muzamil urge the Taliban should not disgrace this system, adding that if this system feel threaten by the tearing of Ustad Mashal’s documents then it should reconsider issues.

Freedom of expression

Ustad Muzamil said freedom of expression will not harm the IEA but it would be an element for their stability and they should experience it for this reason.

“If we are not able to express our view then we will migrate to another country,” he said.

Muzamil said if somebody put in front of him a pumpkin and asked him to call it a melon then he would not stay in the country.

He added: “If we want to see a national and stable government in Afghanistan then the Taliban are the last chance. We should be careful for their shortcomings.”

Need for reconciliation and constitution

Ustad Muzamil said the US-IEA agreement should be implemented therefore efforts should be made for the rehabilitation of relationship between the two parties.

“If the IEA don’t take positive and effective step then the US can create a lot of problems for the IEA and they can do so,” he said.

He said government should give priority to the reconciliation process and start interaction for national partnership. Besides the IEA ulema some foreign ulema should be also considered for the formation of constitution because the Taliban have experience in conflict but not in politics, they should get advantage from other people.

If Pakistani Taliban are inside Afghanistan they should be told to stop attacks against Afghanistan because if Pakistan is threaten then it could create problems for Afghanistan.


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