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Giru residents, drivers want key bridge rebuilt

Giru residents, drivers want key bridge rebuilt

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3 Oct 2023 - 15:18
Giru residents, drivers want key bridge rebuilt
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3 Oct 2023 - 15:18

GHAZNI CITY (Pajhwok): Some residents of the Giru district of southern Ghazni province have asked the government to rebuild a bridge washed away by last year’s flashfloods.

The destruction of the bridge has created a whole host of problems for area residents, they say, stressing the link’s reconstruction.

Residents say although the bridge was temporarily rebuilt by locals in a short time, they fear it may collapse as a result of snow and rain.

Majeed, who belongs to Abdullah Kala area, told Pajhwok Afghan News a wide river separates Andar and Qarabagh districts.

Water from Sultan and Sardi dams also flow into this river, making it difficult for the people to cross it in the wet season.

According to Majeed, the 45 metres long and 8 metres wide bridge connects Giru and Andar districts. Passengers from Paktika province also use the bridge to reach Ghazni City.

“Unfortunately, the bridge’s plank was destroyed in the previous war. But the floods washed it away completely last year and left it useless.”

If the bridge was rebuilt prior to the winter season, problem of the people would be resolved, Majeed believed.

Mohammad Esa, a driver, confirmed the locals had rebuilt the link, using materials of poor quality, addressing the problem to some extent.

Eng. Nasratullah, another resident of the area, said the bridge had been reconstructed in a non-standard way and it could collapse anytime.

Both residents asked the authorities of Islamic Emirate (IE) to help them in rebuilding of the bridge.

The provincial administration also acknowledge two bridges in Shela and Parcha areas, connecting Giru and Andar with Ghazni City, were destroyed by last year’s flash floods.

Hafiz Omar, the governor’s spokesman, told Pajhwok floodwaters destroyed the bridges in Giru, causing problems for residents.

According to Omar, provincial officials have shared the issue with higher-ups in Kabul. He hopes the reconstruction of these bridges will begin soon.

The bridge in Shela area was built on the river that receives water from Sardi and Sultan dams. It also connects Giru with many areas of Paktika province and Ghazni City through Andar.

Giru district, situated 80 kilometres south of Ghazni City, has 400 small and big villages.




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