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Equip our schools with labs, Jawzjan students ask govt

Equip our schools with labs, Jawzjan students ask govt

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20 Nov 2023 - 17:07
Equip our schools with labs, Jawzjan students ask govt
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20 Nov 2023 - 17:07

SHIBERGHAN (Pajhwok): Some students in Mardian district of northern Jawzjan province have asked the government to equip their schools with laboratories and other scientific equipment.

However, education department officials say they created 32 laboratories in schools during the ongoing year in the province.

A student of Fatehabad Boys High School, Ehsanullah, told Pajhwok Afghan News that he was working on a project to generate electricity from water steam.

Ehsanullah said: “I am happy to have worked on this electricity generation project, I presented my project with the assistance of my physics instructor and I ask the government for support to work on bigger projects in the future”.

He said he was trying to learn more to become able to reach higher innovations.

“If I am supported, I can work on bigger projects that will benefit our society.”

Another student of Mardian School Mohammad Ayoub said a science lab was created in their school, but it lacked items for all science subjects.

He said previously there was no lab in their school and the current lab had resolved their problems to some extent.

He said students should be provided more items for experiments so they could make innovations.

Mohammad Ayoub said: “Apart from lab, we want the officials to build a playground in our school as well.”

Science and Technology department head Mohammad Parvaiz Rahi told Pajhwok there were many talented students in Jawzjan and if they were provided facilities, they could make extraordinary innovations.

“We arranged an exhibition for innovations of students and the students of Mardian district presented 32 different projects in biology, physics, chemistry and mathematics”, he said.

He added: “These students have amazing talents, if supported, they will succeed to work on huge projects in the future, so we need to encourage them and help them learn more.”

Provincial education director Maulavi Mohammad Tahir told Pajhwok: “We are trying to find unique talents, encourage them to have good results in the future.”

He said since the beginning of 1402 solar year, the education department established 32 labs in Shibergan city and districts of Jawzjan province.


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