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70 pieces of cultural artifacts on display at Academy of Sciences

KABUL (Pajhwok): The Academy of Sciences on Wednesday put on display 70 pieces of cultural artifacts worth 722,000 afghanis it received from Ferozkoh Institute.

The works went on display in the Research Museum of Ethnography of the Afghanistan Academy of Sciences titled ‘Permanent Exhibition of Ferozkoh Institute.’

Chief researcher at Kushan Research Center Kitab Khan Faizi said the works on display included calligraphy, jewelry and some other cultural works ---. the products of Ferozkoh Institute.

“These works are new and they consumed about 722,000 afghanis. These very important artifacts represent our different tribes and districts to recognize Afghanistan.”

Natural Sciences Department heat at Afghanistan Academy of Sciences Amir Jan Saqib said about the preservation of these and other historical monuments: “We want to preserve the lives of past tribes, ancestors and their remains for future generations”.

The head of Ferozkoh Institute, Ahmed Javed Poya, said the exhibition at the Academy of Sciences was aimed at introducing the cultural works to as many people as possible.

He adds: “Our artists will remain anonymous until they are introduced through cultural institutions.”




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