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3,000 Alishang families lack electricity in Laghman

MEHTARLAM (Pajhwok): Work on extending electricity to Alishang village in eastern Laghman province was 80 percent completed in the previous government, but it was stalled after the IEA takeover, residents say, asking the government to pay attention to this issue.

Head of Provincial Councils Association Ghulam Rabbani told Pajhwok Afghan News the electricity project has been 80 percent completed under the Citizens’ Charter program of the previous government’s Rural Rehabilitation and Development Department, but the work came to a halt after IEA takeover.

“We have met several times with Laghman government officials as well as the directors of the electricity and rural development departments, to resolve this problem, but without a promise, no practical action has been taken so far”: he added.

According to Rabbani, about 3,000 families live in the area without electricity.

Meanwhile, Malik Hafizullah, a resident, said technical work of the electricity extension project had been carried out in his village, but the work stopped with the arrival of the new government.

The residents asked the government to complete the remaining work of this project.

On the other hand, officials explained they have repeatedly shared this problem with the Ministry of Water and Energy (MoWE) and are hopeful that work will begin next year.

Rural Rehabilitation and Development Director Maulvi Mohammad Zahir Zarkamar added they accept Alishang village lacks electricity.

He has shared this problem with the ministry several times in writing.

In the previous government, this project was funded by the World Bank that has stopped funding it.




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