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National Journalist Day: MoIC pledges support for journalists

KABUL (Pajhwok): On National Journalist Day, the Ministry of Information and Culture said media’s situation in Afghanistan is improving with the Islamic Emirate’s support and called on journalists to respect journalistic principles and Afghanistan’s cultural values.

Today, March 17, marks National Journalist Day in Afghanistan.

MoIC spokesman Khobaib Ghofran said in a video clip: “Since the Ministry of Information and Culture is a supportive address for media, it ensures that it would support journalists in the country in any field, whether it is the issue of access to information, addressing their economic problems by establishing a financial support fund, the mechanism for which is currently being worked on”.

Ghofran explained if journalists have any complaints, their complaints would be addressed by the Media Violations Commission.

According to spokesman, the MoIC stands by journalists in all areas.

“Currently, media situation is improving and media outlets that have been established with the coordination of MoIC all represent the support and patronage of media on behalf of the IEA”.

He asked media outlets and journalists to fulfill their duties well, inform the public about the achievements of the system in a timely manner, take into account the interests of the system’s guardians, respect journalistic principles, and take into account the original culture of Afghanistan.




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