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Russia backs Afghan-led peace process

Russia backs Afghan-led peace process

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3 Feb 2012 - 17:13
Russia backs Afghan-led peace process
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3 Feb 2012 - 17:13

KABUL during a meeting with President Hamid Karzai in Kabul on Friday said his country supported the peace process led and driven by Afghans.

Weeks ago, the Taliban agreed to have a political bureau in Doha for entering a dialogue process with the US and the international community.

The Taliban negotiators had begun holding preliminary meetings with US officials in the Gulf state on how to end the decade-long war in Afghanistan.

The Russian Special Representative Zamir Kabulov called on President Karzai at the Presidential Palace on Friday afternoon, a statement issued from the President’s spokesman office said.

It said bilateral relations, economic cooperation and an electricity project from central to south Asia came under discussion.

Russia would fully support all those projects linking central Asia with the south, and benefiting Afghanistan and the region, Kabulov said.

They had approved $500 million for a project importing 1000 megawatts of electricity from Kirghizstan to Pakistan through Afghanistan, the diplomat said, adding other helping countries would have their share in the project.

The Russian representative reassured President Karzai the provision of 3000 tonnes of wheat and 40 Kamaz vehicles with mobile workshops as promised by the Russian government.     




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