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US gives Kabul $151m to maintain rule of law

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14 Jul 2012 - 19:10
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14 Jul 2012 - 19:10

KABUL $151 million in assistance to help maintain the rule of law and execute counternarcotics and law-enforcement programmes, an official said on Saturday.

An agreement to the effect was signed between Deputy Foreign Minister Javed Lodin and Deputy US ambassador to Afghanistan James B. Cunningham in Kabul.

Lodin told reporters an agreement on cooperation between the two countries to initiate joint programmes in rule of law, justice, counternarcotics and law-enforcement areas had been signed in March.

He said today’s accord was aimed at ensuring funds for the joint ventures and the Afghan government would start receiving the money this year.

Cunningham said the assistance reflected the US commitment to long-term friendship with Afghanistan and the move was aimed at realising common goals.

The diplomat promised the US would continue to financially support programmes that could help Afghanistan reduce the supply and demand for illicit drugs.

He said creating awareness about the hazardous effects of drugs and preventing growers from cultivating poppies were some of the programmes which could help cut the illegal drug commerce.




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