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Demographic survey launched in Kabul

Demographic survey launched in Kabul

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26 Jun 2013 - 16:14
Demographic survey launched in Kabul
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26 Jun 2013 - 16:14

KABUL): An economic, social and demographic survey was launched in the central capital Kabul by the Central Statistics Organisation (CSO) on Wednesday, officials said.

With technical cooperation from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) the $7million survey was being funded by the United Kingdom, CSO head Abdul Rahman Ghafoori said.

CSO high-ups, the Kabul governor and representatives of the provincial council, government entities, UNFPA and other international organisations, donors and journalists attended the survey launch.

The study would provide accurate data on the number of households, demographics, access to safe drinking water, education and literacy status, school enrolment, people’s employment status and the child mortality rate.

Ghafoori requested all organisations involved in the project and the people of Kabul to make the survey a success. He emphasized that “The success of the survey will help improve the welfare of the people through effective plans and projects…”

“CSO would collect reliable data from the field which will feed into the development of policies and programmes. Policymakers, programme designers and donors will have accurate data in hand for the basis of their work for a stable and prosperous Afghanistan,” said Dr. Laurent Zessler, UNFPA representative.

The actual survey would commence in Kabul in near future. Some 4,000 CSO employees, including cartographers, controllers, monitors and surveyors would work for the survey, he said.

As a result of the survey, they would be able to work more efficiently to resolve people’s problems, Governor Taqwa said. His view was endorsed by Deputy Mayor Mohammad Aslam Ikrami.


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