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Dadullah may be released along with Baradar

Dadullah may be released along with Baradar

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20 Sep 2013 - 10:15
Dadullah may be released along with Baradar
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20 Sep 2013 - 10:15

ISLAMABAD (PAN have been reunited with their families in recent weeks, a media report said here on Friday.

But Taliban’s second in command Mansoor Dadullah, who was also on the list released by the Foreign Office on September 7, has not yet been released. Those freed were not allowed to go to home until Sept. 17.

Quoting sources close to the rebel movement, the Express Tribune said the men had reached their homes late on Wednesday. They had gone on hunger strike after being barred from leaving the country despite their release.

“Dadullah could be set free with the Taliban number two Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar,” an Afghan source told the newspaper. Pakistan is likely to free another group of detainees with Baradar and Dadullah.

Detained in Balochistan province along with some of his associates in February 2008, Dadullah had developed differences with Taliban leadership after the killing of his brother by US and British forces in Afghanistan.

But Taliban sources say he reached a patch-up with the movement during detention.

In response to a request from the government in Kabul in November last year, Pakistan started releasing Afghan Taliban prisoners.


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