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6 provinces to get new uplift projects

6 provinces to get new uplift projects

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4 Mar 2015 - 16:30
6 provinces to get new uplift projects
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4 Mar 2015 - 16:30

KABUL (Pajhwok): Ten welfare projects are being implemented in six provinces of the country at a time when some lawmakers accuse the government of discrimination in allocation of development projects.

The contract of the projects was signed on Wednesday between officials of ministry of public works and the construction companies.

Noor Gul Mangal, acting public works minister, said the projects included road-asphalting, building culverts and constructing buildings for laboratories. The implementation of the projects would cost $8.6 million to be financed by the World Bank (WB).

The schemes would be executed in Kabul, Farah, Sar-i-Pul, Badakhshan, Jawzjan and Daikundi provinces, Mangal said, saying construction a building for laboratory of public works in the Astalif district of Kabul was among the projects.

But Humaira Ayobi, a lawmaker from Farah province, complained the government divided the projects without any criterion. “Even streets of some provinces need to be concreted,” Ayobi added.

Her colleague from Sar-i-Pul province, Mohammad Hassan Sharifi Balkhabi, also alleged the government of discrimination. Welfare projects were not implemented properly because some of roads constructed were damaged soon after completion, he remarked. 





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