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New mayor vows to change Maimana complexion in a year

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3 Aug 2016 - 17:08
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3 Aug 2016 - 17:08

MAIMANA (Pajhwok): The newly appointed mayor for Maimana, the capital of northwestern Faryab province, on Wednesday pledged to change the city’s complexion in a year.

Ahmad Javid Kiwan promised to utilising municipality revenue to enhance urban services. He claimed having plans for development, improving economy, capacity building, increasing green belts and cleanliness of the city.

Faryab Governor Sayed Anwar Sadat, while introducing the mayor to provincial officials, said that the national unity government set store by appointing qualified individuals to high positions to ensure better governance.

Samiullah Khairkhwa, a provincial council member, Abdul Qudus Qalij, head of Faryab Elders’ Council and Ehsanullah Qawanich, the Youths Council head, pledged all-out cooperation with the new mayor.

They said the mayor should struggle more for providing better services for Faryab residents. Eng. Kiwan, who previously served as urban development director, is the youngest mayor at 31 years in the northern region of the country.




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