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Gov’t probe team unable to go 4km outside Maidan Shahr

Gov’t probe team unable to go 4km outside Maidan Shahr

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4 Feb 2019 - 18:10
Gov’t probe team unable to go 4km outside Maidan Shahr
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4 Feb 2019 - 18:10

KABUL (Pajhwok): A court has tasked a government delegation to visit Naiban area of the capital of central Maidan Wardak province for investigation into a legal case, but the team is yet to go to the area after 21 months due to security reasons.

Maidan Wardak police officials say security threats exited in the area in the past but not now. They say they are ready to escort the delegation to the area which is four kilometers from Maidan Shahr, if requested.

However, the Land Authority officials say they had sent a letter for security of the delegation to the governor’s house seven days ago, but police say they have not received it.

The complainant, Sayed Azim, a resident of Naiban area, said he inherited 37 acres of land from his father but his brothers divided the land between them when he was a child and only left 4 acres for him.

He said his brothers were not allowing him to farm the land he received in share. Azim said he had migrated to Pakistan and returned 13 years ago and shared his problem with local elders who were unable to solve it. “Then I moved the Maidan Wardak urban court, but my brothers are influential and my problem remains,” he added.

The Public Rights Department of Maidan Wardak Urban Court on May 20, 2017 about the case wrote: “According to articles 192 and 194 of Civil Court Rules, a judicial delegation from the relevant organs is needed to go to the area of the claimant for taking information about the land, its size, value and fingerprints and name of both parties and provide their report as soon as possible.”

Later, the Land Authority office in Maidan Wardak province in a letter dated July 26 has asked the governor’s house to order security organs to accompany the delegation on traveling to the Naiban area.

However, the governor’s house in response to the letter said, “The Land Authority better knows that security threats in this area are very high, so the action would be taken once the situation turns normal.”

Brig. Gen. Mohammad Edris Samimi, Maidan Wardak police chief, told Pajhwok Afghan News on January 27 that the security situation had improved in the area and they were ready to escort the delegation to the area.

He said the security situation in the area improved after many operations were conducted there.

Samimi had asked the Land Authority for another letter for police escort with the delegation.

However, acting Land Authority head in Maidan Wardak said they had sent the letter to the governor’s house on January 28 and the governor’s house referred it to the police headquarters on January 30.

But Maidan Wardak police headquarters on Monday told Pajhwok that they had not received the letter as yet.


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