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‘Pakistan committed to Strategic Depth Policy in Afghanistan’

‘Pakistan committed to Strategic Depth Policy in Afghanistan’

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21 Jun 2021 - 17:05
‘Pakistan committed to Strategic Depth Policy in Afghanistan’
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21 Jun 2021 - 17:05

KABUL (Pajhwok): Pakistan’s Strategic Depth Policy still underway in Afghanistan causing unbearable suffering among Afghans on both sides of the Durand Line, Afghan diaspora in the Netherlands said in a statement on Monday.

“The Pakistani military chiefs have officially admitted supporting groups such as Taliban. They call this interference strategic depth. This policy still continues and has been causing unbearable suffering among Afghans on both sides of the Durand line,” the statement said.

Over the last few decades, the Afghan people have been the victim of continuous proxy wars of regional countries and world powers. Pakistan has especially played a sinister role in keeping the war ablaze.

An unholy coalition of the Pakistani state, narco-mafia and Al-Qaida and other terrorist groups have caused unimaginable death and destruction in Afghanistan. As a continuous tactic of interference and creating misery in Afghanistan, Pakistan has been producing different proxy groups in Afghanistan.

“We believe that Pakistan’s support for terrorism in Afghanistan led to Al-Qaida’s terrorist

attacks of 9-11 which led to the entering of international forces into Afghanistan. While a bloody war has been waged in Afghanistan, costing tens of thousands of Afghan lives,mostoftheleadersofthe(proxy)terroristgroupsfledtoPakistan.”

The clearest example was Osama Ben-Laden who had found shelter under the shadow of a Pakistani military base. Afghans welcome the departure of NATO and other international forces from Afghanistan. Now that the international forces are leaving Afghanistan, there is absolutely no justification for the continuation of war.

The overwhelming majority of Afghans have come to the conclusion that the current war has not been fought for any higher value. Rather it is a Pakistani proxy war for power. We therefore hold Pakistan and the countries that support or condone Pakistan in inflaming the war in Afghanistan, accountable. The continuation of this war is against all Afghan, Islamic and human values. Indeed a delegation of Islamic scholars in Mecca called the war in Afghanistan immoral and against the Islamic values.

We, the Afghans in the Netherlands, are strongly opposed to the proxy war in Afghanistan and declare as follows:

  • We call on Pakistan to stop its destructive policy of interference in Afghanistan and supporting proxy groups that kill and destroy for the pity interests of Pakistani military.
  • We call on Taliban fighters not to be misled by the lies of their leaders who are controlled by the Pakistani intelligence agency ISI and not to participate in killing Afghans! Let us resolve our griefs by talking, not by Now that the foreign forces are leaving, it is becoming obvious the ordinary Taliban fighters that this war was not for Jihad, rather for the interests of the Pakistani military.
  • The Afghan government and the Taliban must resolve their differences by No conflict can justify killing innocent Afghans.
  • Afghans are committed to a democratic state based on our shared Such a system guarantees our co-existence despite all our differences.
  • We call on the international society to not leave us to the mercy of terrorists, nacro- mafia and especially the Pakistani Afghans have been and will be fighting in the frontline of the fight against terror. The international community has the moral obligation of supporting the Afghan people and the Afghan democratic institutions.
  • We finally call on the international media outlets to revisit their mostly superficial and misplaced reporting of the Afghan By overblowing your pessimistic doom scenario reports, you are helping create a false sense of insecurity among Afghans and thereby encourage Pakistan and its proxies to continue the war.


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