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OIC meeting: 90 foreign delegates reach Islamabad

OIC meeting: 90 foreign delegates reach Islamabad

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18 Dec 2021 - 09:08
OIC meeting: 90 foreign delegates reach Islamabad
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18 Dec 2021 - 09:08

PESHAWAR (Pajhwok): Ninety foreign delegates have arrived in Islamabad to attend a meeting of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers on December 19.

The participants, including Taliban Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi, will discuss a way out of the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan.

About the meeting, Foreign Minister Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi said: “It would be a wonderful event.”

He told the state-run news agency, APP, the presence of Islamic Development Bank President Muhammad Sulaiman Al Jasser would open doors for humanitarian aid to Afghanistan.

He underlined the need to put in place an institutional mechanism for providing direct and timely assistance to the people of the war torn country.

Meanwhile, the IDB chief commended Pakistan for bringing OIC countries at one platform for stability in Afghanistan.

In a chat with Radio Pakistan, he acknowledged Pakistan’s efforts for extending all possible assistance to Afghanistan.

Also on Friday, Saudi delegates reached Islamabad to attend the extraordinary session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers.


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