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Experts agree Covid-19 survivors may suffer from alopecia

Experts agree Covid-19 survivors may suffer from alopecia

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25 Jul 2022 - 16:40
Experts agree Covid-19 survivors may suffer from alopecia
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25 Jul 2022 - 16:40

KABUL (Pajhwok): Medical experts acknowledge some people suffer from alopecia or hair loss after recovering from Covid-19 and it happens because Covid-19 weakens the human body immune system and causes psychological and other pressures on human body.

Information about alopecia after Covid-19

Clinic Post wrote: “Covid-19 relation with alopecia is one of the key and hot debates during this pandemic.”

Suffering from alopecia after recovery from Covid-19 has different factors and some individuals due to multiple factors suffer from alopecia when they recover from Covid-19.

Another website ‘Luve n care’ published an article on alopecia after recovery from Covid-19 and said: “Skin and hair experts have said people after recovering from Covid-19 suffer from alopecia.”

An Iranian medicine production company on its website wrote that individuals suffering from Covid-19 showed different symptoms. It added alopecia was reported in many people after they recovered from Covid-19.

The source wrote alopecia after corona has been reported among patients. The US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) considers alopecia one of the possible long-term effects of Covid-19, which is currently under research and study.

Individuals recovering from Covid-19 complain of alopecia

Muzgan, a resident of capital Kabul, said last year she suffered from Covid-19 and after she recovered, her hairs started falling and currently she was getting medicines from a skin specialist.

She said: “I thought after recovering from this illness, maybe the effects caused by this virus will no longer be a problem for me. But unfortunately, I started losing hair and it continues now.”

Negina Niyazi, another woman who recovered from Covid-19 and then suffered from alopecia said: “When I first contracted the corona disease, I had a severe headache; After a while, my headache went away, but I was diagnosed with hair loss and my hair was falling out a lot. I thought it was the effect of the shampoo, but when I went to the doctor, he said that my hair loss was due to Covid-19.”

Is Covid-19 the main cause of alopecia

Medical experts acknowledge alopecia — hair loss — after passing through Covid-19 but add complete research has not yet been conducted to prove the matter.

Dr. Faridullah Umar, a medical expert and a teacher at Antani Hospital, said Covid-19 was a dangerous and powerful virus that left psychological, mental affects and waekened the immunity system of the body.

“Hair loss or alopecia is not directly connected with Covid-19 but it happens due to the lack of certain vitaimens in human body, stress and mental pressure. It is curable with certain medicines,” he added.

Skin Specialist Dr. Khalid Bahrami said: “It is true that some people suffer from hair loss or alopecia after recovering from Covi-29. Hairs are lost from their root because Covid-19 affects the immunity system of the body.”

Individuals with high immunity system will suffer from alopecia for four months while people with weak immunity system will suffer for up to six months from alopecia, he added.


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