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Masses support IEA position on water dispute with Iran

Masses support IEA position on water dispute with Iran

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1 Jun 2023 - 17:18
Masses support IEA position on water dispute with Iran
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1 Jun 2023 - 17:18

KABUL (Pajhwok): Some people have strongly supported the ‘Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’ (IEA) stance against Iran’s threatening remarks on its legitimate right in water in Afghanistan’s rivers.

Expressing different views people said Iran should provide Afghanistan petrol or diesel against water while some believed water was the tears of Afghanistan’s high and tall mountains and it first should irrigate the country lands.

Some people said that Iran should not create problems under different pretext and said despite internal differences the people of Afghanistan were united on the issues of national interest.

Recently, top leadership of Iran had threatened Afghanistan to provide the due water right of the neighbouring country.

This comes that Iranian top leaders had recently issued threatening statements and asked the acting Afghan government to provide its water in line with its due right.

Afghanistan has reaffirmed its commitment to resolve water dispute with Iran through talks and bilateral engagement, according to a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Afghan government said that the implementation of 1972 water treaty between the two countries was the best solution of water dispute and asked Tehran to first completed its investigation through legal channel and then raise its demand in a proper tone.

Afghan official repeatedly stressed over the negotiated resolution of disputes and said that climate change was the main cause behind the shortage of water and Iran should not politicize the issue.

Iran’s demand for water comes at a time when people in Nimroz and Helmand have complained against the shortage of water and continued drought situation in their areas.

Pajhwok Afghan News through its Public Voice Programme have asked people on Twitter and Facebook to share their views regarding the recent escalation with Iran on water disputes.

A large number of people have shared their views in written and audio forms which are compiled in this report. One out of several similar views had been picked in order to avoid repetition in the report.

They demanded Afghan government to release water from Kajaki Dam to the people of Nimroz because Nimroz has 20 percent shares in Kajaki Dam.

Public Views:

Mohammad Yasin Saadat wrote: “Iran should be ashamed of its behavior, being a strong atomic power country it has spoken in a childish manner. They believed that Afghan government has no legitimacy and is facing internal differences in some areas so it get full advantage of the opportunity to get their goal achieved. It is, however, not true there may be some differences internally but on the issues of national interest all are united and no one will be allowed to take our shared rights of water in free.”

He said Iran should be careful in such sensitive issues and should understand the situation on the ground before issuing threatening remarks.

Water in Afghanistan could not compensate the needs of the people of Afghanistan then what should we give to Iran. The fact that they drunk our water free of cost in the past decades was enough.

Ibrahim Katawazai wrote: “At the time when Iran speaks aggressively, the people of Afghanistan should stand by the acting Afghan government and support it in every circumstance.”

Syed Jamal Bahar wrote: “Afghan government give a befitting response to Iran.”

Rashid Maseer wrote: “Afghan government position in water dispute with Iran is admirable.”

Rahmani said: “Top Iranian leadership should not speak aggressively because it is against the diplomatic principles. Threatening remarks could lead to war between the two nations.”

He said: “The Islamic Emirate should be move carefully and adopt a moderated policy because many Afghans live in Iran who may face problem. The second problem is that Afghanistan is facing drought due to climate change Iran did not have the right to demand water, the Islamic Emirate should remain committed to the 1972 water treaty and should stress over the implementation of the treaty.”

Rahmani said: “I live in Helmand province, I could better understand the drought situation in Helmand, our land is in Gramser district, in the past we had water, we cultivated our lands and got decent yield but now we left our land due to drought and migrated, we have a difficult life and even our people are deprived of drinking water, we want a fundamental solution to this issue.”

Afghan wrote: “If water is our then logically we have the first right to use it and address our needs, if it is beyond our need then we can give it to others. A legitimate government has the right to invoke or revoke treaties with other nations, Iran and the world should know that Afghans will never hesitate to fight because most of our time had been spent in fighting. The better is that Iran should let as stay peaceful and live peacefully as well.”

Alef Mohabatzai wrote: “The water shortage faced by the people of Afghanistan should be addressed first and then it should be given to Iran.”

“Our water is the tear of our high and tall mountains, it should irrigate our lands and we should value them, it should not go outside easily.”

Ishaq Mubrez wrote: “Water is our ownership, it go through our areas and we have the right to stop it. Neighbours should not create problems, If Iran want water then it should send its technical team to ensure the implementation of 1972 treaty. If Iran want to use force then nothing could be done, it should send oil for water, Iran should be ashamed by sending below standard oil daily to Afghanistan.”

Himmat Afghan wrote: “Do you think that Iran will threaten the past agreement and would try to pave the way for a new agreement.”

Mohammad Sarwar Mashwani wrote: “The implementation of 1972 agreement between Afghanistan and Iran was the way forward to this dispute.”

Iran wants to devalue the past agreement by using force, adding that the Islamic Emirate should carefully address the issue.

Habibullah Habibi wrote that water is the honor of Afghanistan and there was need for proper management on all water resources because it is the demand of the nation and the nation is ready for financial and human sacrifices in this regard.


Views: 182

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