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76 mosques to be built on highways: Mujahid

76 mosques to be built on highways: Mujahid

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4 Jan 2024 - 12:27
76 mosques to be built on highways: Mujahid
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4 Jan 2024 - 12:27

KABUL (Pajhwok): The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) says 76 mosques will be built on main highways of the country in compliance with the orders from its leadership.

Zabihullah Mujahid, chief spokesman for the interim government, wrote on X the mosques would be constructed every 70 kilometres on highways for the convenience of travellers.

He said the mosques would have separate prayier halls and restrooms for men and women, cold and warm water, living rooms for imams, electricity and parking lots.

According to him, four mosques will be built in Kandahar, two in Zabul, two in Ghazni, three in Maidan Wardak, six in Farah, two in Helmand, three in Nimroz, eight in Herat, four in Ghor, as many in Logar and one each in Paktia and Khost.

Two mosques will be constructed in Paktika, one in Laghman, three in Nangarhar, one in Kunar, one in Parwan, two in Baghlan, two in Samangan, one in Balkh, four in Badakhshan, one in Takhar, two in Jawzjan, four in Faryab, three in Kunduz, one in Kapisa, five in Bamyan and three in Badghis.

However, Mujahid did not provide details about the date of launching work on the mosques.


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