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4.3m MT of goods transported via railways in 2024

KABUL (Pajhwok): About 4.3 million metric tonnes of goods were transported through railways from four Afghan ports last year, the Ministry of Public Works (MoPW) said on Saturday.

Economic analysts consider railway as best routes to deliver goods to markets on time.

MoPW spokesman Mohammad Ashraf Haqshenas told Pajhwok Afghan News these transportations occurred in 2024.

Around 4.2 million metric tonnes of goods were imported and over 92,000 metric tonnes were exported via railroads, he added.

He said 3.4 million metric tonnes were transported through Hairatan Port, 386,000 tonnes via Aqina Port, 565,000 tonnes through Torghundi Port, and 22,000 tons via Khawaf-Herat, totaling 4.3 million metric tonnes.

Afghanistan import goods from Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Russia, and Belarus, including food, oil, and gas, Haqshenas explained.

According to Haqshenas, Afghanistan exported goods to Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Turkey, and Russia, and these export items included pomegranate juice and mineral stones.

Afghanistan is directly connected to Iran, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan via Hairatan, Aqina, Torghundi, and Khawaf-Herat ports, and transit trade is done through these routes, which indirectly connect these countries to Central Asia, and other countries.

In a meeting last month, Deputy Minister of Railways extended the agreement on quadrilateral railway corridor between Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and China for 2025.

Haqshenas said 4,200 containers were transported through this railway corridor between Afghanistan and China in 2024, and the agreement has been renewed for 2025.

According to him, the extension of the corridor agreement will lead to a significant increase in rail transport.

The corridor, which passes via China, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan and connects to the Hairatan-Mazar railway line, was established by the four countries in 2022, Haqshenas said.

Economic analysts say rail transport could deliver goods to markets on time and consider it best for trade.

Abdul Nasir Rashtia, an economic analyst, told Pajhwok imports and exports via railways could deliver goods to the market on time and also reduce costs.

He explained any reduction in transportation costs could undoubtedly have a very positive impact on lowering prices in markets.

“But there is a concern that if many goods are imported to the country through railways, it may lead to the weakening of Afghanistan’s domestic production; because Afghanistan still depends on imports. Efforts should be made to increase the level of production to export goods through railways”.

He said Afghanistan was a landlocked country and railroads undoubtedly created vast markets for the sale of goods within Afghanistan, he added.

According to him, there is a need to manage imports and the government should try to increase Afghanistan’s domestic production so that exports could increase.

Mohammad Issa Mubarez, another economic analyst, told Pajhwok Afghanistan was a mountainous and landlocked country, so railways were the best route for transportation.

“If Afghanistan wants to do trade with other countries, the easiest and least expensive way that does not harm the environment is railway.”

Afghanistan could export many goods on time and also transit them through the railways.

As trade expands via railways, the economic situation improves and poverty is eliminated.

Haqshenas said the ministry was always trying to provide favorable conditions for more transactions and facilities for traders.




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