The Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock Department of eastern Nangarhar province has estimated this year’s rice yield to reach nearly 48,000 metric tonnes in the province, showing a significant spike.
The National Statistics and Information Authority (NSIA) on Tuesday said approximately 4.83 million metric tons of wheat was produced across the country in the current solar year,, showing a 10 percent surge over last year’s harvest.
JALALABAD (Pajhwok): The Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock Department of eastern Nangarhar province says small poultry farms have been set up for 140 needy women in
The Food and Agricultural Organisation of the UN (FAO) supported 55,750 families with livestock protection packages during the ongoing year, a statement said on Sunday.
Farmers in southern Kandahar province have complained about low cotton rates and fainted market conditions despite the existence of cotton processing factories.
Several livestock farmers in eastern Laghman province are happy with growing demand for their handmade cheese has garnered a loyal following, not only in Afghanistan but also in other countries, where it is often sent as a gift.
The production of Achar has started in the olive factory of the Canal Department in eastern Nangarhar province and this year 30,000 tonnes of Achar is estimated to be produced.
Some farmers in western Herat province expressed concerns about the significant decline in the sesame yield this year and termed plant diseases as the main reason behind this decline.