Police in the Rakha district of central Panjsher province have arrested two robbers and recovered some gold, cash, pistol and mobile phones, an official said on Monday.
The number of children suffering from malnutrition in central Panjshir province has decreased by nearly 20 percent during the first nine months of this year compared to the same period last year.
A man has been arrested by security forces for allegedly killing a youth in central Panjsher province, the provincial Information and Culture Directorate said on Saturday.
The United Nations (UN) has expressed its readiness to cooperate with central Panjshir province on a range of development initiatives, including mining, agriculture, environmental protection, tourism, and improving healthcare and education services.
Construction work has been initiated on an agriculture canal that is estimated to cost 2.850 million afghanis in Absher district of central Panjsher province, an official announced on Saturday.
Some residents in central Panjsher province have been worried about the high dowry amount which is locally called —Toyana — and asked ulema to highlight this issue on their platforms and provide a solution to the issue through religious teachings.
Eleven drug traffickers have been arrested in 18 successful operations in the seven districts and central capital of Panjsher province, an official said on Sunday.
A fire broke out in a mountain in central Panjsher province due to carelessness of shepherds and was extinguished by security forces and residents, the provincial media office said on Wednesday.