KHOST CITY (PAN-led troops fell on a home in southeastern Khost province, causing financial losses, the house owner said on Thursday. Rehmat Badshah told Pajhwok
KHOST CITY/GHAZNI CITY (PAN): The distribution of improved varieties of wheat seed began in southeastern Khost and southern Ghazni provinces was started on Saturday, officials
KABUL): A magnetic bomb on Monday tore through a traffic police vehicle in the capital of southeastern Khost province, injuring three officials and five civilians.
KHOST CITY (PAN helicopter crashed inside the Sarabagh military base in Khost City, the capital of southeastern Khost province, on Thursday. As a result of
KHOST CITY (PAN): Cross-border militant attacks were forcing hundreds of families to flee their homes in the Zazai Maidan district of southeastern Khost province, officials
KHOST (PAN): A clash erupted between two tribes over the control of mountains in southeastern Khost province on Monday. The violent clash took place between
KHOST CITY (PAN): Three policemen were killed and as many children wounded in a suicide bombing in the Alisher district of southeastern Khost province on
KHOST CITY (PAN): Water and Power Ministry conducted it first-ever survey to build five major dams that would generate electricity in southeastern Khost province on
KHOST CITY (PAN) helicopter crashed during a security operation in the southeastern province of Khost, witnesses said on Friday. Lt. Col. Jimmie Cummings, an ISAF
KHOST CITY (PAN group in southeastern Khost province on Thursday asked President Hamid Karzai to try war criminals and eradicate corruption from government institutions. Addressing
KHOST CITY (PAN): The former head of the Khost provincial council’s administrative board on Sunday rejected last week’s election, insisting that they were still members