A woman in eastern Kunar province has given birth to quadruplets, while the father of new born babies complained against economic hardship and sought assistance, an official said on Sunday.
Construction work has been initiated on 26 telecommunication sites in mountainous areas of eastern Kunar province at a cost of 182 million afghanis, an official announced on Tuesday.
Residents of eastern Kunar and Nuristan provinces have called for the urgent reconstruction of the Asadabad-Paron road, which has been severely damaged by recent rains.
A number of writers and poets in eastern Kunar province say they are unable to publish their works due to economic woes, seeking support from the government and businesspeople.
A six months long vocational training course has been completed in eastern Kunar province in which 450 individuals received training, an official said on Monday.
ASADABAD (Pajhwok): Residents of eastern Kunar province have called on the government to reactivate Managi hydropower dam, which has been non-operational for the past three
Several residents of eastern Kunar province are complaining about the destruction of bridges on the Kunar River in districts of Shiltan, Sarkan, and Nurgal, and are urging their reconstruction.
One person died and a woman and two children among including six people were injured as a result of flash floods in eastern Kunar province, an official said on Sunday.
Residents of Kamdesh district in eastern Nuristan province say no attention has been paid to their district in terms of basic facilities of life in the last two decades.
Residents of eastern Kunar province have urged the government and aid organisations to reconstruct the Asadabad-Paron highway after flash floods destroyed it.