A number of beekeepers in central Daikundi say the beekeeping industry has recently flourished and honey produced in the province has gained a special reputation for its high quality.
Some farmers in central Daikundi province say pistachio tree planting has recently gained momentum in the province because its trees are well-suited to the climate of most districts.
In a rare occurrence, a mother in central Daikundi province has given birth to quintuplets for the first time. But, two of the five babies did not survive.
NEILI (Pajhwok): An under-17 Futsal League featuring 13 teams concluded in central Daikundi province on Sunday, with Tofan Markaz team emerging victorious. Daikundi Sports .
NEILI (Pajhwok): Residents of different areas of central Daikundi province have constructed buildings for 46 schools spending their own money during the past one and
NEILI (Pajhwok): Thousands of out-of-school children have been enrolled in hundreds of community-based schools in remote areas of central Daikundi province, an official said on
NEILI (Pajwhok): Traffic police in this capital city of central Daikundi province have started impounding motorcycles used for one-wheeling and other disruptive activities following .
The harvesting of the herbal plant Raf has expanded in central Daikundi province and the government generated over 24 million afs revenue last year, an official said has said.
NEILI (Pajhwok): More than 90 development and public welfare projects have been executed at a cost of 164 million afghanis with financial support of partner