Two tribes have reconciled, bringing an end to a 13-year-old enmity between two tribes in two provinces, thanks to the mediation of local officials, scholars and tribal elders.
A three-year-old enmity between three families has ended in Chaharbulak district of northern Balkh province, thanks to the mediation from local officials and elders.
KHOST CITY (Pajhwok): Two families reconciled and ended their 17-year-old enmity in southeastern Khost province and promised to live like bothers. The enmity . .
KHOST CITY (Pajhwok): Two families reconciled and ended their 35 years old feud in Tani district in southeastern Khost province, thanks to efforts by tribal
MEHTARLAM (Pajhwok): A 35-year old feud involving 10 families in Alingar district of eastern Laghman province has been resolved through mediation of a joint .
PARAKH (Pajhwok): The Conflict Resolution Committee in central Panjsher province says a 22-year-old enmity between two families has been resolved – thanks to local .
KHOST CITY (Pajhwok): A 50-year old feud between three families in Tani district of southeastern Khost province was finally turned into friendship, thanks to .
A three-year-old feud between two families in northwestern Nimroz province has ended as a result of mediation from local officials, tribal elders and religious scholars.
JALALABAD (Pajhwok): Two families have reconciled ending their five years old enmity in the Shinwari district of eastern Nangarhar province, thanks to mediation from tribal
MAHMOOD RAQI (Pajhwok): A 10-year-old enmity between two families has come to an end following the mediation of influential figures and officials in the Ala-Sai