KABUL): Traders on Tuesday asked the government to pay a special attention to the country’s once lucrative carpet industry, experiencing a 75 percent cut in
KABUL Chamber of Commerce and Industries (ACCI) said on Wednesday. The clearance process for 700 Afghanistan-bound containers — carrying meat, chickens, eggs and other perishable
KABUL should seek alternative transit routes. The Afghanistan-Pakistan Transit Trade Agreement (APPTA) was signed in Kabul on Oct. 28, 2010 between Commerce Minister Makhdoom Amin
ISLAMABAD/JALALABAD (PAN): Afghan vegetable importers are forced into paying bribes by Pakistani guards and customs officials at the Torkham border crossing, a traders’ representative said
KABUL): The High Oversight Office and Anti-Corruption (HOOA) said on Sunday the Ariana Afghan Airlines would collapse if government institutions did not repay its loans.
KABUL has started allowing 20 Afghan traders’ containers laden with commercial goods to enter the landlocked country on a daily basis, the finance ministry said.
JALALABAD (PAN): Nangarhar governor Gul Agha Sherzai on Thursday said he has ordered a crackdown on illegal armed groups and individuals in the eastern province.
JALALABAD (PAN Chamber of Commerce and Industries (ACCI) deputy head on Monday complained traders were facing multiple problems due to kidnappings and the presence of
KABUL): The Pakistani government has allowed 164 of the 700 Afghan traders’ vehicles to enter the landlocked country, a businessman said on Saturday. “We are
KABUL Chamber of Commerce and Industries (ACCI) on Tuesday urged President Hamid Karzai to pay special attention to promoting domestic products. An ACCI delegation also