JALALABAD (PAN): Unauthorised vehicle-weighing machines have been installed at various places in Laghman and Nangarhar provinces, a traders’ representative alleged on Sunday. The machines had
KABUL. At a meeting, chaired by Karzai, the Cabinet discussed a request from the Pakistani embassy for power exports from Uzbekistan through the landlocked country.
ISLAMABAD (PAN would boost regional economy and improve living standards of the two nations. Pakistan Minister for Finance Dr Abdul Hafiz Shaikh told the inaugural
JALALABAD (PAN): A number of traders in eastern Nangarhar province on Monday warned of launching a protest movement if the government did not take action
GHAZNI CITY (PAN‘s handicrafts were showcased at exhibition in southeastern Ghazni province on Wednesday, an official said. Handicrafts of 30 females, who received a year-long
KABUL): Ten liquefied gas shops in Kabul were sealed after they were found overcharging consumers on Monday, a day after the Ministry of Commerce warned
HERAT CITY (PAN): Although the strength of the police force in western Herat province was inadequate, the overall security situation had improved there, setting a
KABUL is yet to resolve the issue of stranded Afghan traders’ vehicles in the neighbouring country, an official said on Tuesday. On November 27, Islamabad
KABUL): President Hamid Karzai has asked Afghan traders to avoid importing low-quality fuel and gas that cause pollution in the country. During a biweekly address