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US to fund Afghan rule of law, anti-drug efforts

US to fund Afghan rule of law, anti-drug efforts

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12 Mar 2012 - 19:30
US to fund Afghan rule of law, anti-drug efforts
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12 Mar 2012 - 19:30

KABUL with $238 million for the continuation of key rule of law and counternarcotics programmes, the US embassy said.

An agreement to the effect was signed between Deputy Foreign Minister Javed Ludin and the US Embassy’s Coordinating Director for Rule of Law and Law Enforcement Ambassador Stephen G. McFarland during a ceremony in Kabul.

The counternarcotics and law enforcement programmes would jointly be carried out with the Afghan government, the embassy said in a statement.

It said the agreement was a concrete example of the continuing commitment by the US government towards the Afghan people and their elected representatives to improve people’s lives across Afghanistan. 

It said the funding would help the US and Afghanistan achieve two of their shared major strategic objectives.  “The allotment will allow for better governance through the improved administration of justice and enhanced rule of law by supporting programmes such as the Afghanistan Legal Education Project (ALEP), which publishes and distributes free legal textbooks that specifically address Afghanistan’s post-2004 legal system.”

The legal system offers studies towards a Legal Certificate for the American University of Afghanistan students pursuing majors in business, political science, and information technology, the statement said.

In the area of counternarcotics, it said, the funding would support and expand current programmes including the operation of 29 residential drug treatment centres located throughout Afghanistan, and would help further joint narcotics interdiction efforts.

“Through this recent allocation of more than $238 million, the government of the United States of America demonstrates its continued commitment to assisting the Afghan government and people in creating a safer and more secure Afghanistan.”


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