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Ulema council warns possible revenge attacks

Ulema council warns possible revenge attacks

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13 Mar 2012 - 18:13
Ulema council warns possible revenge attacks
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13 Mar 2012 - 18:13

KABUL Council on Tuesday condemned the killing of civilians by American troops in southern Kandahar province, demanding death penalty for the killers.

The gruesome incident took place in Zang Abad area of Panjwai district on Sunday, involving US troops who entered four houses and shot dead 16 people, including women and children.

In a statement, the council said the killings were terror and inhuman act committed by US soldiers, who also set fire to the dead bodies of women and children after killing them.

“The ulema council once again requests American officials to avoid further atrocities against Afghan civilians suffering from decades of wars,” said the statement, warning that if the nation retaliated no one could prevent them and the responsibility to stop rest on the shoulders of the perpetrators.

If the US wanted to quell possible violence in the aftermath of the Kandahar incident, it should award harsh punishment to the soldiers in public.



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