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1,000-bed hospital to be built in Nangarhar

1,000-bed hospital to be built in Nangarhar

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16 Jan 2013 - 17:01
1,000-bed hospital to be built in Nangarhar
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16 Jan 2013 - 17:01

JALALABAD (PAN Najia Tariq on Monday announced plans to construct a 1,000-bed hospital in near future in the eastern Nangarhar province, an official said.

Addressing a graduation ceremony for 50-midwives in Jalalabad, the provincial capital, she said the hospital would be built in Hesar-i-Shahi desert.

Governor Gul Agha Sherzai said his administration had allocated 200 acres of land for the project. He also donated id=”mce_marker”0,000 from the Sherzai Foundation to the ministry for medical equipment for the midwives.

Public Health Director Dr. Baz Mohammad Sherzad said the midwives were given three-month training. The graduates would be stationed to their relevant districts, he said, adding the Nangarhar Civil Hospital could not meet the medical needs of the entire provincial population.

He explained residents of other eastern provinces, like Kapisa, Laghman and Nuristan, also brought their patients to the hospital.  With the construction of the hospital, people’s problems would be resolved to a large extent.


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