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EU launches BOMNAF II on cross-border cooperation

EU launches BOMNAF II on cross-border cooperation

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3 Jul 2014 - 13:53
EU launches BOMNAF II on cross-border cooperation
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3 Jul 2014 - 13:53

KABUL (BOMNAF II) to continue the work of the successful BOMNAF I that enhanced the capacity of Afghan Border police to manage border posts, increasing security, fostering cross-border cooperation and opening of cross-border markets along the Afghanistan-Tajikistan border.

A statement from the EU special representative in Afghanistan said on Thursday that this new phase of the project will extend operations to the border with Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan by supporting the construction of new border posts, supply of security equipment and creation of new cross-border markets along the border.

Building on the experiences of the first phase of the project, BOMNAF II will continue to support cross-border security and cooperation, by improving integrated border management in northern Afghanistan.

Border officers from Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan will work together to foster their level of coordination and information exchanges in order to improve security in northern Afghanistan and Central Asia, to reduce illicit movement of goods and people and to increase the legitimate trade exchanges in the region.

The statement said that final beneficiaries of an improved regional cooperation and trade facilitation measures will be the legitimate cross-border traders, border-crossing passengers and the population of Afghanistan’s northern and western provinces, as well as the citizens of neighbour countries.

BOMNAF II renews EU’s commitment in fostering regional cooperation as an essential element for increasing stability and prosperity in Afghanistan and in the surrounding regions.




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